Terms and Conditions
The following list of terms and conditions apply to all Central States transportation tours and charters. Please look them over carefully, and feel free to discuss them with us if you have any questions.
- Prices on contracts are based on estimated hours and/or miles provided by the Chartering Party at the time of booking. NOTE: If actual hours and/or miles exceed the estimate, the Chartering Party will be invoiced for the actual usage.
- All charges are computed based on time and/or mileage on the vehicle when it leaves our lot until the time and/or mileage when it returns to our lot, and a non-refundable cleaning fee of $100.00 applies to all charters which include food and/or beverages on the coach.
- In consideration of our non-smoking customers and drivers, and to protect our property against damage and fire hazard, Central States transportation strictly enforces a non-smoking policy.
- Chartering Party will be responsible for additional trip-related costs, such as Parking Fees, Road or Bridge Tolls, Entrance or Admission Fees, and driver's hotel room for out-of-town overnight trips.
- In accordance with US Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations: Part 395, our drivers will be limited to a maximum of 10 hours driving time or 15 hours working time followed by 8 hours off duty within any given 24-hour period. Drivers may not work more than 70 hours in any 8-day period.
- Performance of the service detailed on this order is contingent upon the carrier's ability to furnish the equipment and perform the service subject to tariff regulations or matters beyond our control.
- Baggage and all other property will be handled only at the passengers' own risk and only in an amount that may be conveniently carried in the charter vehicle.
- Any damage to the vehicle caused by the Chartering Party or guests of same will be charged by the carrier to the Chartering Party.
- Deposit is not refundable if charter is canceled less than 7 days prior to departure date and time.
- The Chartering Party agrees to deposit, payment, and cancellation policies of carrier.
- Carrier cannot be held responsible
for delay or inconvenience due to
traffic, unknown mechanical failure or
situations deemed an Act of God.
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Press Releases
April 2005 transportation Fleet Service Awards
World Wide Web Award Winner 2006
2007 Safety Award
2008 Outstanding Motorcoach Service
2011 Outstanding Performance from the Dept of Defense
Maintenance & Safety
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Central States transportation is a registered member of the national
Pupil Transportation Safety Program
Department of Defense Certified
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