The Moving Wall
"The Moving Wall" has been touring the country for almost twenty years. When John Devitt attended the 1982 dedication in Washington, he felt the positive power of "The Wall." He vowed to share that experience with those who did not have the opportunity to go to Washington.
John, Norris Shears, Gerry Haver, and other Vietnam veteran volunteers built The Moving Wall. It went on display for the first time in Tyler, Texas, in October of 1984. Two structures of The Moving Wall now travel the USA from April through November, spending about a week at each site.

The Moving Wall
half-size replica of the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC |
A "Sponsor" is any organization or group of individuals that wants The Moving Wall to visit their area and is willing to do the work to make the local arrangements as described in "Scheduling a Visit of The Moving Wall." Sponsors are frequently civic groups, schools, or veterans' organizations. Sponsoring normally requires months of planning by dozens of local volunteers.
If you are interested in taking your group to view this stirring tribute to America's fallen heroes, Central States transportation will get you there in style!
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